Archive for September 6th, 2011

September 6, 2011

#Jewish #Genealogy – A Continuing Homage to Moja żona – Biechow 1819

by C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon

I am continuing my efforts to retrieve/extract the Jewish records from the Catholic parish of Biechow during the years when the Catholic Church was ordered to act the civil registration authority.  My previous postings were for the years 1810-1818. inclusive.

These are the Jewish Births from 1819 recorded in Biechow parish. Ergo, this posting brings us upto: 1810-1819 inclusive. The prior post is here .

Before I begin, I have been watching the evolution of names in the church register and I thought I would offer a few observations. First off, I am a gentile genealogist. So my treatment of Jewish names as rendered in the Polish language with its complex grammar is suspect — but I am learning.

So earlier I have been struggling with the surname: Golbarka or Goberka (also rendered as Golbarkow). First off, the assumption of ‘bark’ vs ‘berk’ due to poor writing and page condition is definitely off. I now know the name is Golberg (or we would probably render in 20th century English as Goldberg/Goldburg). I think I will keep the Golberkow ending as this is the grammatical construct for referring to the family as when writing the woman’s maiden name.

Notice I have decided to drop the ending ‘a’ on men’s names — which I am also thinking I should do on many first names as well, but my lack of experience with Jewish names of the 19th century Poland causes me to wonder how to apply what William Hoffman calls, ‘The Chopping Block’ to both first and last names when Jewish. So forgive me when I write: Moska, Mendla and Herszla(which in 20th century America I’d write as Herschel as in Herschel Walker). I know I need to drop the ending ‘a’, but I am not certain as to how to write those names, so I leave them as I find them for someone more expert than I to correct. My apologies in advance.

We see three births out of 104 total births. That represents a population of about 2.88% of the total parish population. So we are in the range of 3% +/- 0.25% which seems to be what I have seen in previous years. Again realize I am trying to give an in idea of the Jewish population in proportion to the entire population of the parish in (not intimating that the Jewish peoples are participants in the church parish activities). The 3% represents a modest growth from the 2.6% in Biechow census from 1787. [See Parish Census at the top of this blog]. According to that same census, the entire set of parishes in the surrounding area was about 6.4% Jewish.

My reason for doing this assessment is to convince the JRI, that it should at some point visit all Catholic parishes to pull out the remaining Jewish people without looking at the amount of effort required to yeild such tiny results. We know they are there  — do not leave them behind. After my Social Network Analysis, I am thinking that these non-shtetl Jews are a kind of glue between the surrounding towns/shtetls.

The assessment also shows that Jews and Catholics lived side by side and not segregated [in this very rural area very near to the Austria-Poland partition]. Now this may only be true in Poland and not the rest of “The Pale of Settlement” as defined by the Czars of the Russian Empire. According to Wikipedia,  Jews (of the Pale) were not forbidden by the Czars from rural areas until 1882.

Year: 1819      Priest: Jozef Parzelski         Gmina: Biechow     Powiat: Stopnica     Departement: Krakow      104 Total Births     LDS Microfilm#: 936660

Record #38     Date: 4/17/1819 [about 1 month earlier than the 5/15/1819 record date]

Father: Mosiek Golberg,  Arendarz, Age 34, Wojcza   House #60

Mother: Fraydla z Jakow, age 32

Baby: girl Cyra

Witnesses:  Moska Samulowicz, kaczmarz, age 36 Biechow & Mendla Abramowicz, pakiarz,  <no age>, Wojcza


Record #53     Date: 7/7/1819

Father: Nat Belel,  Mlynarz, Age 25, Wojcza   House #3 (listed as Jozef Pawelec ‘s house)

Mother: Rucha  z Golberkow, age 22

Baby: girl Eydla

Witnesses:  Mendla Abramowicz, pakiarz,  28, Wojcza   &  Moska Szmulowicz, pakiarz, <no age> Wola Biechowska


Record #104     Date: 12/23/1819

Father: Jasek Wolf,  pakiarz, Age 45, Biechow   House #48

Mother: Blima  z Chaymowicz, age 38

Baby: boy Herszla

Witnesses:  Zalman Stemberk(Stemberg??), pakiarz,  28, Biechow   &  Berka Chaymowicz, Handlarz, <no age>  Biechow


September 6, 2011

#Genealogy #Website #Rankings – 2011

by C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon

Stanczyk just read EOGN (Eastman Online Genealogy Network) and could not believe what he read. So I followed the source and read that and still did not believe. So I checked further – because I could NOT locate the benchmark/methodology of the survey which is NOT credible. I  then Googled and found this source here: .  I certainly would agree with these rankings as these are what I use most often throughout the year.

Perhaps I am not Canadian as the source EOGN quoted was and perhaps the methodology was geographic based (in Canada, with UK add-in). Dick Eastman should do some extra checking rather than just re-broadcasting bogus news. That is my expectation for EOGN. Read the EOGN blog post that  I am railing against here:

Certainly if I surveyed Polish Genealogy websites, my list would look differently too.

Here is the only credible 2011 Rankings:

Rank    Website                     Coverage/Content

  1. $ – is the leading genealogical data site, and includes articles, instruction, and reference help.
  2. – Focuses on genealogy community building and networking.
  3. – This database of 57 million cemetery inscriptions adds about a million per month and often includes tombstone photos.
  4. – This major data website sponsored by the LDS Church includes the IGI, census records, the library’s catalog and a growing collection of historical records from throughout the world, along with instruction and reference help. (4>5>5)
  5. $ – A major data site, includes family trees, instruction and reference help. (5>2>4)
  6. – Free, with the world’s largest collaborative family. (31>8>18)
  7. – Hosts family websites for sharing photos, genealogy, and more. (33>5>5)
  8. $ – One of the most popular FaceBook applications helps people identify and network with their family and search billions of records. (2>80>72)
  9. – One of the largest, free, user-contributed data sites, includes 575 million names in family trees, also instruction and reference help. (6>4>2)
  10. – Free genealogy search engine linking to free data. (11>11>12)
  11. – Millions of names in 250,000 pages, along with links to free data; especially useful for Native American information, and some data. (13>14>13)
  12. – Interactive directory of free genealogy websites and data. (12>19>21)
  13. $ – 1 billion exclusive records from 4500 newspapers and historical books. (19>31>41)
  14. – A large collection of free data, arranged by state and searchable across the entire collection. (8>not ranked)
  15. – The best subject catalog of genealogy webpage links. (14>17>15)
  16. – Transcribed and indexed cemetery inscriptions. (16>16>16)
  17.$ – A family tree sharing and collaboration website. (9>11>9)
  18. – Includes instruction, reference articles, and some unique data collections. (10>12>11)
  19. – A collection of surname website links; online since 1996. (48>62>26)
  20.$ – (Back in) 650 million British records of many types [formerly]. (57>46>50)
  21. – (Back in) A European collection of 400 million names in family trees, community, and submitted records. (58>42>36)
  22. – Lists of links to United States death records, by state. (23>25>31)
  23. – Nine million genealogy links organized by state/county and surname. (24>24>35)
  24. – Database of 24 million New York passenger arrivals that is free to search. Actual passenger list images can be printed or purchased. (15>20>14)
  25. – A DNA ancestry cataloguing project with 675,000 users. (21>24>24)
  26. – Five year old site with free U.S. data contributed by volunteers. (25>35>NR)
  27. – A free genealogy search site with hundreds of data sources. (27>134>NR)
  28. – Homepage for’s genealogical software. (28>21>20)
  29. – Historical and genealogical web hosting service. (18>15>17)
  30. $ – The data collection provided by Family Link, with over a billion records, as well as instruction and reference help. (17>13>10)
  31. – DNA testing service focused upon family history test types. (20>26>27)
  32. $ – In conjunction with the U.S. National Archives, Footnote offers data, original records images, and more. (37>9>8)
  33. $ – Grassroots created data site with compiled family trees, and some extracted records. (29>22>19)
  34. – Links to free census records. (22>29>40)
  35. $ – A major new subscription data site, launched in July 2009 and already with more than a billion names. (41>New)
  36. – An online archive of genealogy records and images of historical documents. (34>23>22)
  37. – Less than four years old and full of instruction and guidance for genealogists. (38>47>107)
  38. – A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe. (44>53>58)
  39. – Family trees hosting with 300,000 members and 80 million names. (35>28>25)
  40. – (New) Free family history messaging forum with almost 3 million mostly UK messages. (57>54>NR)
  41. $ – Census, PERSI (the periodical index), books, all free to you at many libraries. (32>39>39)
  42. – (New) A directory of obituary databases and archives on the web. (91>84>126)
  43. – Share genealogy research, community pages, family photos & records more for free. (46>48>38)
  44. – Jewish, reference, instruction, coordination, and databases. (26>32>28)
  45. – Comprehensive source of U.S. political biography that tells where many dead politicians are buried. (36>33>34)
  46. – A large free queries website. (39>27>23)
  47. – Site of the largest lineage society; includes their library catalog and 32 million name index. (43>49>67)
  48. – (New) Website for popular magazine that includes shopping, links, and research tools. (55>67>47)
  49. $ – (New) The new name for the NEHGS website and their 3,000 databases.  (73>89>87)
  50. – 50,000 links to free sites, arranged by state and county. (53>50>43)

Dropping out of the top 50:

  •– Online marriage records, where to order, some indexes, and more. (42>43>42)
  •– State-by-state directory of obituaries and obituary resources. (47>not ranked)
  •– Large collection of genealogical information pages for England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. (50>34>32)
  •– Genealogy software that produces genograms (40>37>53)
  •– Census abstracts (U.S. GenWeb Census Project) (49>45>37)
  •– (New) A listing of 400+ registered websites, ranked weekly by hits. (45>69>56)
  •– (New) A site where families can establish their own pages to share news, photos, events and genealogy with each other. (30>not ranked)

Send Me your  top 10 Polish Genealogy Websites. This will be a non-scientific survey and I will only publish my findings if I can get 36 emails and I will add in my own top 10 Polish Genealogy sites too. Do not include from the above “generic” genealogy sites. I will allow only Polish (or German, Russian, Austrian, Slavic, Czech, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Jewish, or Hungarian genealogy websites that have ties to Poland).

Email your top 10 to: Stanczyk Email

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