Archive for April, 2015

April 16, 2015

Holocaust Remembrance Day – 70th Anniversary

by C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon


Yad Vashem

 Today … a little over an hour ago, Israel commemorated the Holocaust. At sundown last night and beginning  with sunrise, the Israelis remember. They remember so that it, The Holocaust, will never happen again. If you were in Israel you would see at 10:00am local time, a siren sounds and that everything comes to a stop. Pedestrians stop walking. Cars halt … people get out of their cars (some) and it is silent. Last evening  … candles & lights. Today, silence and commemorative events.

#Remember what happens when a people ignore the rights and dehumanize a small segment of their own society. In the 2oth Century it was the Nazis. Today,  who are engaging in similar atrocities?

If you have eyes to see, then you know who. Remember. We should all remember!

April 15, 2015

Ancestry — Time For Ancestry App ? —  #Genealogy Techno#Genea 

by C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon

ancestry app in appstore

The newest version of the Ancestry App 📱 (6.5) is here.  Genealogy on the go has reached a new level of portability for those with an Apple Watch⌚️ !

Lets see if the optimized matching is like MyHeritage or exactly what “enhanced search results” entails (more to come).

Option to delete trees within the app seems risky with touch screens. Caution would be advised and practice on a test tree before doing this for real.


🇵🇱 — I hope your using iOS 8.3, otherwise you may be seeing aliens (instead of iPhone, Apple Watch, Polish Flag)



April 7, 2015

Genealogy Collaboration — #Genealogy #Collaboration #Facebook

by C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon

Stanczyk is BIG on collaboration on genealogical research. So, let me start by thanking Donna Keicher (FB) genealogist, Western NY Genealogical Society member, etc. Thank you Donna!

Donna was going to Buffalo & Eric County Public Library (BECPL) and she graciously agreed to donate some of her research time at BECPL to helping others from outside the area in their Western NY research. Stanczyk loves RAOGK (receiving and giving) as a collaborative pursuit. The BECPL is on my wish list (again) this year to visit and do some research in. Any way, Donna was able to get me a complete death date for Frank/Franciszek Leszczynski and she sent me an image from the Buffalo Evening News newspaper from 25-JUNE-1943.

Stanczyk also did a RAOGK for another researcher by visiting Great Valley Baptist Church Cemetery (Devon, PA). It was for a James Davis (1784-1852) and was through, Find-A-Grave. I took a shot of his tombstone. While there, I also did some shots that added to memorials that were missing pictures and added a few new memorials (18th century) that were missing from Great Valley Baptist Church Cemetery on Find-A-Grave. I noticed an interesting tombstone (Phyllis Burr) who had a bit of a story about her slavery past. I learned a bit about Philadelphia’s abolitionists and the US Warship Ganges that rescued over 100 people from slavery (to indentured servitude/apprenticeship). Along the way, my social wife, spoke with the pastor John Loring (of The  Baptist Church in the Great Valley). The good pastor had some materials that he mailed, to this jester, about his historical cemetery and its occupants. Thank you Pastor John Loring.

Now this jester would like to hasten to add that he has done a lot of contributions to genealogy at Julie Roberts Szczepankiewicz ‘s FB Group, Polish Genealogy. In particular, I like to help people with their translations or even  just reading the handwriting in their research finds from Poland. I also like to help genealogists in the group locate their ancestral parishes in Gazetteers or on current/historical  maps. Everyone is always sharing expertise,  tools or web sites to aid each other in furthering their genealogical research — this jester gets a kick out of brushing shoulders with the many talented/knowledgeable people the world over.

Let me conclude today’s blog by mentioning that ALL links today are to Facebook pages. The people & pages on Facebook have grown into a tremendous collaboration opportunity and also a learning tool as well.

My Family History Research

Discovering our Ancestors' Travels and Travails

Trentino Genealogy | Family History for Trentini Descendants

... A Muse — ing                                                

Java Tails

Life Lessons By Java

The Tepe Telegrams

News & Notes from the Göbekli Tepe Research Staff

Steve Szabados Genealogy

Genealogy Columnist for the Polish American Journal and Author

From Shepherds and Shoemakers

Sharing musings, insights, resources and strategies as I discover my family history.

Find Lost Russian & Ukrainian Family

Uncovering the secrets of finding family and records in the former USSR

The Dystopian Nation of City-State

A cruel, futuristic vision created by science fiction authors James Courtney and Kaisy Wilkerson-Mills. ©2013-2016. All Rights Reserved. All writings available through Amazon.

What's Past is Prologue

Adventures in genealogy

The Family Kalamazoo

A genealogical site devoted to the history of the DeKorn and Zuidweg families of Kalamazoo and the Mulder family of Caledonia

Oracle Scratchpad

Just another Oracle weblog

Author Michael Charton

Home of Author Michael Charton


A Journey through History in Search of a Vanished Family News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.


-- A Modern SuperWoman Life