Posts tagged ‘Genealogy Roadshow’

January 8, 2015

Philadelphia — Genealogy Roadshow #Genealogy

by C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon

Genealogy Roadshow Philly

January 27th 2015 • Philadelphia

PBS has brought Genealogy Roadshow back ; As the image shows, they filmed in Philadelphia, October 25 & 26th in 2014.  Now the show airs again; its premier is Tuesday, January 13th. This season Philadelphia gets the treatment.

Philadelphia – Franklin Institute (January 27th at 8:00 p.m.). At Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute, a team of genealogists uncovers fascinating family histories. A man learns that the event that drove his family to the City of Brotherly Love changed the course of history; a man may be a Viking descendant; another’s family could have part of one of history’s biggest scams; a young man hopes to confirm his relation to a signer of the Declaration of Independence; and two sisters learn their ancestors were part of the great Irish migration.

Now I know they were at the Historical Society of PA (HSP). So I hope that survives the edit process too. At any rate, I’ll be watching the 27th of January at 8:00 pm ET.

October 17, 2014

Genealogy Roadshow — Philadelphia … #Genealogy , #Media . #TV

by C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon


Stanczyk enjoys PBS and Genealogy. PBS has the excellent series Antique Roadshow so why not a Genealogy Roadshow? This is another fine genealogical series that complements the excellent work by Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr (Finding Your Roots).

Well the PBS crew, featuring  genealogists Kenyatta D. Berry, Joshua Taylor and Mary Tedesco are coming to Philadelphia, October 25th and 26th to film. This will be broadcast during the winter season coming up.

You can attend this event too. The details are on the Genealogy Roadshow website .

For those unfamiliar with Philadelphia genealogy, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP). will be featured. Many of the founding families have their genealogies recorded in book-form in a lovely room chock full of leather bound books of family histories.


August 23, 2013

Genealogy On TV … — #Genealogy, #PBS, #GenealogyRoadshow

by C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon

GRS_LogoIt is now 1 month away from PBS’s Genealogy Roadshow. The series initial program airs Monday, September 23rd at 9:00pm EDT (1am GMT). The show is based upon the Irish TV version of the same name that PBS optioned and is produced by Krasnow Productions in the US.

Every Monday, 9/23 (Detroit, MI),  9/30 (Austin, TX), 10/7 (Nashville, TN), 10/14 (San Francisco, CA) PBS will air the one hour shows that will embody, “part detective story, part emotional journey, combining history and science to uncover fascinating stories of diverse Americans.”  The PBS show  uses  science and history to tell/verify genealogical stories with the most compelling finds shown on air in historic local settings. The four cities were chosen for their diversity of the American genealogical experience. The producers are breaking new ground, with a format that features an expert team of genealogists investigating ordinary people’s stories and then presenting them to a live roadshow  audience in an historical setting.

Stanczyk will be waiting … anxiously.

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