Posts tagged ‘Additions To GenBaza’

September 2, 2015

GenBaza — An Update To Their Online Database — #Genealogy #Genealogia #Polish

by C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon

New_20150902GenBaza has had its access restored (since the crash). You may not be able to register for a new account, but old accounts can now login (since 24-August-2015).

So Stanczyk noticed a few new online databases in GenBaza. So in a Wordless Wednesday way, here are the 30 new congregations/databases with images that became available in the last 90 days.

I am most interested in: Olesnica and Zborowek. But I also want to examine Gnojno and Dobrowoda as I attempt to do a cluster analysis of villages around my ancestral villages (to find outlier events and migratory trends).

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