Doomsday Rapture – 21st May, 2011

by C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon

☩ UPDATE (5/22/2011) ☩

Stanczyk has now written twice before on these doomsday sayers. This jester’s past two articles:

Doomsday is Regrettably Delayed

10/10/10 Doomsday?

Now we find failed prophet, Harold Camping (89 years old), predicting that Judgment Day is this Saturday (5/21/2011). They are even barnstorming across America trying to warn people and even buying billboards where possible. Now, I say failed prophet because, Harold Camping, once before predicted Sept. 6, 1994 as Judgment Day. The bible does tell us that any prophet from G-d would be correct in his/her prophecies and that failed prophecies are a sign of charlatans. Surely, they already know that the New Testament says in Matthew 24:36-44:

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, …”

So here are some of the failed predictions (or pending failures?):

  1. 1-September-1994 [Harold Camping, FAILED]
  2. 21-May-2011 [Harold Camping, FAILED, 2nd FAILURE!]
  3. 1806 – [Hoax of Prophet Hen of Leeds, FAILED]
  4. 22-October-1844 [William MIller, FAILED]
  5. 1891 or before [Mormon Armageddon predicted by Joseph Smith in 1835, FAILED]
  6. 1910 [Media frenzy about Halley’s Comet return bringing cyanide poisoning, FAILED]
  7. 1982 [Pat Roberston 700 Club prediction, FAILED]
  8. 1997 Halle-Bop Comet return [Heavens Gate Cult, FAILED]
  9. 1999 August, [Nostradamus prediction, FAILED]
  10. 2008 Fall [Ronald Weinland prediction, including the fall of USA as a nation, FAILED]
  11. 10-October-2010 (i.e. 10/10/10) [FAILED]
  12. 21-December-2012 [Mayan Calendar runs outs ???, pending, probable failure as the mathematics are wrong]

So for those planning Rapture parties on 5/21/2011, you should move that up one day to make the sure the party happens and people can attend. Atheists and Agnostics can go ahead with their parties on Saturday. If the predicted calamity does not happen on Saturday, then perhaps, twice failed Harold Camping will be ignored by the Media (and indeed EVERYONE).

Here is a great page of failed doomsday prophecies from 30CE-present. It has more than I listed  above. Please read this page which includes references to some materials for the reader to go deeper.

One interesting note on the Halley’s Comet prediciton. Why did nobody believe it happened previously since it happens about every 75 years? Indeed the famous Samuel Clemmons/Mark Twain was born during the 1835 arrival of Halleys and then proceeded to die as he prophesied on the 1910 return of Halleys.

Stanczyk promises to update this post, if he is not Raptured on Saturday, to reflect the second FAILURE of H. Camping. Have a Great Weekend everybody!

Well it was not doosmday. We are still here;  even the cultists who promoted the latest doomsday fraud. Stanczyk’s heart goes out to the people who gave up their worldly possessions by believing this fraud. In California, one individual was going to euthanize his pets, before the local Humane Society intervened. Can you imagine if someone did this to their children or their elderly/invalided parents? I pray such a thing did not happen and never happens. I believe there is cuplability here and I hope people sue Harold Camping for inciting this madness upon a large number of gullible people.

May God Bless those who are in need:   Haiti, Japan, USA-Tornado victims, USA-Mississippi flood victims. As one of my beloved wife’s friends said, now that the Rapture has not arrived, take this time do a good deed.

One Comment to “Doomsday Rapture – 21st May, 2011”

  1. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
    That saved a wretch like me.
    I once was lost but now am found,
    Was blind, but now I see.

    Stanza 1 of Amazing Grace
    by John Newton (1725-1807)


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