Much More Ado About Mitt … Its All True — #Bain, #Romney, #Presidential, #Politics

by C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon

Today’s research is from SEC / EDGAR website …

Today a whole lot of comments about whether Mitt Romney was involved or not with Bain after February 1999 or not. I do not want to cover that ground but I recommend the following articles that cover the issues:

Boston Globe – “Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated

Yahoo News – “Report: Romney at Bain Three Years Longer Than He Claimed

There were many other sources as well.

My motivation was the Romney campaign denying these reports and calling the President and his team misleading. This is another lie/inaccurate statement by the Romney Campaign team and Romney to deny the President and his campaign team and the Boston Globe report.

This jester went to the SEC website and looked at the EDGAR webpages listing the Bain SEC filings from 1999 through 2002. I have compiled a spreadsheet with links for any journalists or media types to follow or for you my blog followers/readers to follow.

The facts are as the Boston Globe and President Obama stated. The Bain companies’ SEC filings indicate that Mitt Romney had substantial involvement with Bain well beyond February 1999.

Romney had involvements with Bain as the various fillings state as:

  • Has Mitt Romney signature as a preparer/submitter of the filing
  • Title: CEO,   Principal Occupation: Managing Director Bain Capital Inc.
  • Share voting and dispositive powers
  • Mr W. Mitt Romney is the sole shareholder, sole director, Chief Executive Officer and President of Bain Capital and thus is the controlling person of Bain Capital.
The above are lines directly from copied from the SEC filing text (see spreadsheet below). In many of the filings Mitt Romney’s name was listed many times in many capacities. But clearly he was involved for longer than he has stated. Maybe as much as three years into 2002. Definitely, my spreadsheet showed some level of involvement through at least May of 2001. I could not find any involvement as of  February 8th, 2002 and going forward (as indicated by SEC filings).
My Methodlogy was to only look at Bain Capital, Brookside or BCIP filings, but there were many more where Bain was involved with other companies that I did not examine. There were a total of 131 filings and I only examined 20 filings and document sixteen filings below in the spreadsheet table.
Mr Romney you need to apologize to the President and indeed to all of America. You definitely had involvement as documented by the legal filings with the SEC. Beyond apologies, I think Mitt Romney owes all Americans complete transparency to get beyond this controversy. Mitt Romney I call on you to be open and transparent on this controversy and any SEC investigation. The first step is to release all TAX RETURNS from 1999 through 2008 inclusive. This covers the period of concern in the Boston Globe investigative article, which said you did not finalize your severance until 2002 and then made it a ten year severance pact, retroactively starting from February 1999. Hence we need 1999 through 2008 TAX YEARS to examine your involvement and to clear up whether these “mistatements” on your or your campaign’s part were meant to deceive MA voters and/or the USA voters in this Presidential campaign (as well as 2008’s campaign too).
Now before I stop writing and paste my research, let me state that I am still a registered Republican. I even sent money to Mitt Romney for his 2008 campaign and still receive his mailings up to the present.
But I vote for Democrats since TEA Party, Grover Norquist pledgers seems to be dedicated to ruining this country by doing NOTHING in DC and by sowing the seeds of anarchy with their ignorant, made up facts and puerile focus on women’s health rights, gay marriages, suppressing voter rights, etc.  These are not intellectual Republicans. They are not small government/low tax Republicans — because they work on limiting civil rights instead of lowering taxes and creating jobs and solving the economic woes of our nation. You cannot be a small government/low tax government if you keep trying to get the Federal government involved in social issues of every American. Real Republicans do not want to enforce social mores by Big Brother-Big Government, they are merely fiscal conservatives and prize securing the blessings of America by utilizing the military in only just ways and to ensure our defense and protection of our liberties from all enemies foreign and domestic.
Here is the spreadsheet data(evidence) that will stop the Republican/Romney lies … [If you do not believe me, then click on every link and look at each document as I did.]
Filing Date Link to SEC Filing ROMNEY Involved SEC File to Read NOTES
4/13/1999 Yes 0000950131-99-002266.txt has his signature
9/27/1999 Yes 0000927016-99-003307.txt
2/14/2000 Yes 0000950131-00-001153.txt has his signature
2/14/2000 Yes 0000950131-00-001151.txt
7/6/2000 Yes 0000927016-00-002402.txt
7/14/2000 Yes 0000927016-00-002483.txt
7/26/2000 Yes 0000927016-00-002587.txt Mr W. Mitt Romney is the sole shareholder, sole director, Chief Executive Officer and President of Bain Capital and thus is the controlling person of Bain Capital.
11/6/2000 Yes 0000927016-00-003722.txt share voting and dispositive power
2/13/2001 Yes 0000927016-01-000754.txt has his signature
2/13/2001 Yes 0000927016-01-000764.txt
2/14/2001 Yes 0000898430-01-000644.txt has his signature
2/20/2001 Yes 0000927016-01-001009.txt Title: CEO,   Principal Occupation: Managing Director Bain Capital Inc.
2/22/2001 Yes 0000898430-01-000745.txt has his signature
5/14/2001 Yes 0000927016-01-501004.txt share voting and dispositive power
5/14/2001 Yes 0000927016-01-500679.txt share voting and dispositive power
2/8/2002 No 0001045969-02-000154.txt After this no indication of Romney involvement in SEC filings
The above are for Bain Capital, BCIP, and Brookside. There were a total of 131 filings 1999-2002 that involved Bain entities. The remainder were listed under differing company names and were not examined

2 Comments to “Much More Ado About Mitt … Its All True — #Bain, #Romney, #Presidential, #Politics”

  1. If the blog’s text is hard to read on your device (laptop, smartphone or tablet) please go to new page I created (at the right of my blog with the other pages) named:

    “Romney / Bain SEC Data”

    Email me and I will mail the spreadsheet to you!


  2. This posting clearly states the facts – those which prove 100% that Mitt Romney lied/misrepresented facts about when his involvement with Bain ended. The clear, concise & detailed form this blog posting provides leaves no doubt that there was deceit. By doing extensive research/using SEC data [see links] C.Michael Eliasz-Solomon allows one to follow easily the timeline that leaves no other conclusion but that Romney is NOT telling us the truth!!!


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