Meme: Church Metrical Books … Embellishments, Oddities, & Notations #3

by C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon

Last week Stanczyk was combing through the LDS Library in Salt Lake. I was perusing the Tumlin parish (LDS Microfilm # 939955). Whilst I was in 1763 covering the Death Records, I found my current Embellishment (or is it an Oddity).


Now in the older Latin records, the Latin paragraph and not the Latin Box Format, it is not uncommon to see the local priest embellish the new year. They usually write the number and perhaps adorn it with some dots around the digits or some small doo-dad or dingbat (in modern parlance).

But clearly in 1763 this priest had a lot of free time and the Creative Spirit overcame him.

Notice the two skull & crossbones. Each is surrounded by floral designs. This seems to this jester to be some kind of All Souls Day motivation whereby the cemeteries are adorned with flowers and the deceased are celebrated.

I have to wonder do other European countries have such Embellishments in their church books too or is this a uniquely Slavic predilection?

2 Comments to “Meme: Church Metrical Books … Embellishments, Oddities, & Notations #3”

  1. I’ve also seen it in some Bavarian church books (though not quite as elaborate as the one you show here!).


  2. Thanks Donna! I have seen some even more elaborate in the Russian Poland Church Books. It could be the remoteness of these southern Poland villages.

    I should have thought the Germans too. I wonder if the Italian Church Books also have such decorations?


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